When people hear locusts, they are reminded of how these insects strip off the vast crop fields and cause despondency. However, they can be of use to reptile pets as staple food!
So, can bearded dragons eat locusts?
Live locusts are rich in high levels of protein, iron, and water and should be an essential part of your beardie’s diet. However, you must ensure your pet is adult or mature enough to consume the live insect while enjoying the hunting challenge.
Here is a detailed explanation of the topic after conducting a rigorous investigation.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts?
According to a survey, veterinarian researchers observed that bearded dragon owners give about 1-25% of adult or larval insects to their pets.
This inclusion in the meal plan has helped the dragons grow healthier and obtain better nutritional support.
Nevertheless, a new owner is often at a loss when it comes to which insects to feed.
Thankfully, live locusts are examples of safe insects for the dragon to consider a staple food. They are best fed to mature/adult dragons than babies or juveniles due to their insect size.
Make sure the locust you give is the width between the dragon’s eyes. It is too big for the pet to digest if it exceeds the width.
The Benefits of Locusts for Bearded Dragons
Locusts contain high protein and energy content. They are considered richer than conventional meat.
The dragons will gain the following upon regular consumption of locusts:
- Muscle and tissue development (protein and iron) leads to healthy growth.
- Proper hydration in the body if the locusts are gut-loaded beforehand. They are a great water source for dragons after brumation.
- Prevents from calcium deficiency and MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease). However, calcium and vitamin D3 are found in very small amounts, so dusting and gut-loading the insects in advance is recommended.
The Risks of Feeding Locusts to Bearded Dragons
Through our deep dive into the subject, we have been able to determine a couple of hazards feeding locusts may impose.
Excessive locust consumption regularly indicates a profuse amount of protein and fat intake. This can cause cholelithiasis or gallstones in the gallbladder, especially if the diet is chiefly insect-based.
On the other hand, locusts may come into contact with insecticides due to pest control precautions. Feeding such insects to your pet may lead to serious health issues that may even be fatal if you are not careful.
The best course of action is to opt for store-based locust feeds that follow local regulations in supplying them.
Want to learn more about the bearded dragon diet:
Can bearded dragons eat beetles?
How to Serve Locusts to Your Bearded Dragon?
Bearded dragons require varied diets at different life stages. Owners need to understand how to include insects and plant matter before determining the feeding schedule.
Bearded Dragons’ Life Stage | Plant Matter/Vegetables | Animal Matter/Insects |
Baby (0–5 months) | 20% | 80% (Larvae) |
Juvenile (5–17 months) | 50% | 50% (Larvae) |
Adult | 80% | 20% (Mature or Larvae) |

Serving Locusts to Bearded Dragons
Some specific steps can help your dragon get the best out of its meals. Here is what you should do:
- Locusts or other insects should be served alive, gut-loaded (24 hours before feeding), and hydrated.
- Ensure the enclosure offers the proper temperature for healthy digestion.
- Dust the insects with essential minerals and vitamin supplements before feeding.
- Do not feed too many insects at once.
- Include vegetables, as these are important for the well-being of a beardie.
How Many Locusts Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
Our deep analysis has led us to establish that bearded dragons will consume less animal matter as they grow older.
The table in the previous section provides a loose idea of how many to feed. However, since it does not provide quantitative information, you can follow the timing method.
For instance, let your pet eat as many as possible for 15 minutes. Do it at a slow pace to avoid impaction. Then remove the remaining locusts for the next meal.
Babies or juveniles require more feeding than adults, so increase the amount for the young ones. Adult dragons need one locust per day or two.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dead Locusts?
Bearded dragons are known as insectivores, meaning that eating live insects as part of their usual diet is crucial. Besides, live locusts are a superior source of nutrition compared to dead ones.
The latter choice will decompose quicker, resulting in potential bacterial growth. If your beardie consumes dead locusts or other insects, such bacteria can damage its health.
As a result, it is always advised to opt for live locusts that are well-fed with a nutritious diet before being fed to your pet. It will help the dragon receive all the necessary nutrients to stay physically and psychologically healthy.
Although roaches and worms are widely favored, can bearded dragons eat locusts too?
Yes, and more importantly, you should allow your pet to have locusts as frequently as possible. These insect species are filled with moisture, protein, and iron, all of which are necessary for a bearded dragon’s vitality.
You should also remember to add plenty of greens. And if locusts are unavailable in your region, crickets and cockroaches are a common alternate option.
Lastly, avoid feeding wild insects to your pet, as they may have been sprayed with pesticides.
- Barboza, T. (et al.), ‘Survey of Feeding Practices and Supplement Use in Pet Inland Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps) of the United States and Canada’, Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery (2022)
- Egonyu, J. P. (et al.), ‘Global overview of locusts as food, feed and other uses’, (2021)
- Gimmel, A. (et al.), ‘Cholelithiasis in adult bearded dragons: retrospective study of nine adult bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) with cholelithiasis between 2013 and 2015 in southern Germany’, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition (2017)