Planning to get bearded dragons and keep them as pets? Before anything else, you need to know what they can eat and can not. And in that regard, you may wonder, can bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers?
Bearded dragons can eat nightcrawlers. However, you should not just feed them nightcrawlers from the wild. They can contain pesticides and other chemicals, which can harm bearded dragons’ health.
Now, is there any difference between night crawlers and earthworms? If so, can bearded dragons eat earthworms? This discussion will review all these concerns and offer proper answers. So, keep reading if you want to know about the topic.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Nightcrawlers?
Bearded dragons are omnivores. For that reason, the diet of bearded dragons consists of veggies, worms, and insects. Nonetheless, these reptiles can eat nightcrawlers. To be exact, these worms can act as a great protein source.
But it is essential to be a little careful about the source of the worms. The wild ones may not be safe for your bearded dragons. How so? The wild nightcrawlers can contain parasites and pesticides, which can be very risky.
For that reason, if you were to feed nightcrawlers to bearded dragons, you should source them from a pet store. Also, make sure that the worms are appropriate in size. Too large nightcrawlers will make the bearded dragons choke on the worms.
Nutritional Value of Nightcrawlers for Bearded Dragons
Nightcrawlers are an excellent source of nutrition for bearded dragons. These worms contain a high level of protein and a reasonably lower fat count. This trait makes nightcrawlers a great pick for reptiles as there are low risks of obesity.
Moreover, nightcrawlers contain essential minerals and vitamins. That includes magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, and sodium. All of these nutrients will help the bearded dragons to maintain their health.
In addition, nightcrawlers can provide moisture to these reptiles, making it easier for them to stay hydrated. However, if you want bearded dragons to enjoy all these benefits, you should choose the nightcrawlers carefully.
Ensure to only feed the nightcrawlers that are loaded with nutritious fruits and vegetables. Those will be able to let your pet reptiles enjoy all the benefits of these worms.
Potential Risks of Feeding Nightcrawlers to Bearded Dragons
Even though bearded dragons can eat nightcrawlers, it has some potential risks that you should know about. First of all, as hinted earlier, nightcrawlers can contain toxic pesticide residues and parasites.
That would be true, especially if you have collected the nightcrawler from your backyard. For that reason, you should source these worms only from reputable pet stores.
Another risk that revolves around nightcrawlers is that they are generally large in size. As you know, you should not feed bearded dragons that food larger than the distance between the eyes of these reptiles. Otherwise, they can choke.
Finally, although nightcrawlers have a good overall nutritional chart, they are not a strong candidate for being a staple food. The amount of minerals and vitamins is generally low. Therefore, these insects should only be fed in a mixed feed.
How to Prepare Nightcrawlers for Bearded Dragons?
As discussed earlier, it is safe not to feed nightcrawlers directly to the bearded dragons. Instead, you need to prepare it and then offer the worms to these reptiles. And the steps for preparing the nightcrawlers for bearded dragons are as follows:

- Wash the nightcrawlers with water
Before anything else, you need to get rid of the dirt and debris on these worms’ skin. Just rinsing them under the tap should do the trick.
If you want to take the cleaning further, you can blanch them in boiling water for a couple of seconds. That will efficiently kill off any potential pathogens in their bodies.
- Chop the nightcrawlers into pieces
Get the feeding place and cut the nightcrawlers into small pieces. Remember, the parts should not be larger than the space between the bearded dragon’s eyes. Anything larger will be a choking hazard.
- Coat them with some calcium supplement powder
To enhance the nutritional value of the feed, you should coat the pieces with some supplement powder. However, this is not a must-do step. If you are already feeding other foods that are rich in calcium, avoid this step.
How Many Nightcrawlers Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon?
It is better to serve the bearded dragons with nightcrawlers in small servings. Now, when it comes to the numbers, it will depend on the bearded dragon’s preference, appetite, and size.
The best approach would be to see whether the bearded dragon is enjoying a small serving of nightcrawlers. If so, offer some more. On the other hand, if the bearded dragon is not enjoying it, mix these worms with other insects.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Store-Bought Nightcrawlers?
You should feed store-bought nightcrawlers to bearded dragons. Unlike the nightcrawlers collected from the wild, store-brought nightcrawlers have lower risks of carrying pesticides and parasites.
Even so, it is better to feed nightcrawlers to the bearded dragons occasionally. It should not be a staple feed for these reptiles. If you do have easy access to night crawlers, consider mixing them with other insects.
What Is the Difference Between Nightcrawlers or Earthworms?
Earthworms and nightcrawlers may seem to be the same type of worms. But they are not. Yes, both of them live in the ground, and there are many similarities, such as their food, body shape, and reproduction cycle.

Even so, some differences set them apart. The first big difference is the activity pattern. Earthworms are generally diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. On the other hand, as the name suggests, night crawlers are active at night.
The second difference between the worms is in terms of appearance. If you look closer, the nightcrawlers have large and segmented bodies. On the contrary, earthworms feature a smooth and unsegmented body.
Moreover, nightcrawlers are brownish-grey, while earthworms generally have a light or white tan on their body.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms?
Earthworms are not toxic, meaning they are 100% safe for bearded dragons. In fact, earthworms can be a healthy food option for these reptiles. These worms have a rich content of protein and nutrients, which can support bearded dragons’ health.
However, you should feed earthworms to the bearded dragons in moderation. They have a high fat count. So, if you overfeed earthworms to bearded dragons, they might eventually face obesity.
Final Words
So, can bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers? In short, they can! But you should not rely on the nightcrawlers found in gardens as they generally carry pesticides and parasites. Instead, get them from reputable sources.
Also, prepare them accordingly. Remember, the size of the pieces should not be larger than the space between the eyes of the bearded dragons.