As bearded dragons are omnivorous, they can eat a lot of things. But that does not mean all the insects and bugs are safe for them. So, what is the case of stink bugs? Can bearded dragons eat stink bugs?
Bearded dragons can eat stink bugs. However, these bugs will produce a very unpleasant odor when crushed. Moreover, stink bugs can even carry parasites and chemicals. Therefore, it is better not to feed stink bugs to these reptiles.
But is that all you need to know regarding stink bugs in the feed of bearded dragons? Not really! There’s much to explore! So, without further ado, let’s discuss things in detail.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Stink Bugs?
Even though stink bugs produce a horrible odor when crushed, these bugs are not poisonous. But, yes, they are semi-toxic, especially for bearded dragons. Now, if bearded dragons eat stink bugs, it will not be toxic in a way that will kill them.
However, stink bugs have a high phosphorous content. So, when ingested in a high amount, bearded dragons can face gastrointestinal issues. In addition to that, stink bugs associate with other health risks, which you should not ignore.
Health Risks of Feeding Stink Bugs to Bearded Dragons
As mentioned earlier, for bearded dragons, stink bugs are semi-toxic. That eventually means that these bugs pose several health risks. Besides causing gastrointestinal issues when consumed, these bugs can carry parasites.
Parasites, once consumed, can cause different health issues among bearded dragons. Usual symptoms are lack of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, and lethargy. If these symptoms are intense, you must consult a vet as quickly as possible.
In addition, the stink bugs can carry different chemicals and pesticides. Again, if a bearded dragon consumes these chemicals, they are likely to fall sick and face different health issues.
What Bugs Can a Bearded Dragon Eat?
A proper diet of bearded dragons can have a wide range of bugs and insects. Silkworms, dubia roaches, cockroaches, earthworms, and crickets are some of them. But aside from these, you can feed many other insects and bugs. Let’s explore some:
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bugs From Outside?
Bugs that are from outside pose health risks. They can carry parasites and trace amounts of chemicals or pesticides. None of them are good for the health of the bearded dragons. So, you should avoid bugs from outside.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bed Bugs?
Bearded dragons can eat bed bugs. However, unlike the other bugs that are ideal for the diet of these reptiles, bed bugs are not highly nutritious. To be exact, bed bugs have chitin, which bearded dragons can not ingest.
Therefore, while bed bugs might not particularly harm the health of bearded dragons, it would be best to avoid them.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Box Elder Bugs?
Box elder bugs are not ideal for bearded dragons. First of all, they are wild bugs, meaning they can carry chemicals and parasites. Secondly, these bugs are toxic to bearded dragons.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat June Bugs?

June bugs are generally found in the wild. And as you know, wild bugs are a no-no for bearded dragons. Even if bearded dragons can eat these bugs, it is best to avoid them. But yes, you can occasionally include June bugs in the feed of these reptiles.
Even so, make sure to moderate the addition. June bugs have a high-fat content, which can lead to obesity.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Leaf Bugs?
Again, leaf bugs are usually found in the wild. So, while the bearded dragon might not fall sick right after eating these bugs, you should not allow your pet to eat them. Leaf bugs can carry pesticides and have parasites.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lightning Bugs?
Lightning bugs are not safe for bearded dragons. These bugs have a toxin named lucibufagin. Once consumed, this toxin can harm the reptiles’ heart muscles, eventually leading to death.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ladybugs?

Bearded dragons should not eat ladybugs because they are toxic. Moreover, ladybugs do not bring much nutritional value. To be exact, instead of getting benefited, bearded dragons can fall ill right after having the ladybugs.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Love Bugs?
Love bugs might seem harmless, but they are highly acidic in nature. This higher acidity count will pose health risks for beaded dragons. For that reason, you should not let bearded dragons eat love bugs.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Water Bugs?
Bearded dragons can eat water bugs. However, these bugs are best known for having high fat and protein. For that reason, you should only serve them in moderation. Moreover, you can not forget that water bugs are generally found in the wild.
And like any other wild bugs, water bugs can carry chemicals and parasites. So, it would be best to avoid water bugs.
How Many Bugs Should a Bearded Dragon Eat?
The number of bugs that bearded dragons should eat will depend on their age and size. Adult bearded dragons generally need fewer bugs and insects in their feed. On the other hand, babies and juveniles require more.
And the general rule of thumb is to let the bearded dragons eat as many bugs and insects as they can for 10 to 15 minutes. After that, remove all the bugs and insects from their tank.
But if you are looking for specific numbers, bearded dragons can eat 20 to 50 crickets per day. But that applies to juveniles. For babies, it can be anywhere from 25 to 80 crickets. And finally, it could be anywhere from 10 to 20 for adults.
Final Words
As you can see, not all insects and bugs are suitable for bearded dragons. So, you should not just feed any insects you find in the wild or around your house. When it comes to can bearded dragons eat stink bugs, the case is kind of the same.
Even though stink bugs are not technically harmful to bearded dragons, you should not allow them to eat those. These bugs can contain chemicals and parasites, which can be detrimental to the health of the reptiles.