Brumation is a dormancy period where the beardie occasionally wakes up for sustenance. So, try not to mix it up with hibernation.
However, do bearded dragons brumate with eyes open during this stage?
Technically yes, your beardie may keep those eyes open while being lethargic to the point of considering a dead reptile. Thankfully, it is not an uncommon behavior, though not seen in most lizards.
Still, both closed and opened eyes during brumation are normal behaviors. But each provides a rational justification.

If you are still concerned, here is a detailed explanation on the topic.
Do Bearded Dragons Brumate with Eyes Open?
There are no specific clarifications on this activity while in the dormancy stage. It is difficult to ascertain which is normal.
But keep in mind the two significant factors that may trigger this. According to various observations by researchers and experienced owners, domesticated beardies keep their eyes open during brumation when:
- It is too bright
- They feel threatened by possible predators.
Your pet is not in the wild anymore. Thus it is your responsibility to adjust overall lighting and temperature to mimic the cold months of the desert.
Failing to reduce the bright lights or basking temperature for winter care (when beardie’s biological rhythm signals) may not stimulate the reptile for brumation or reproduction.
Therefore, decrease that basking light in the enclosure (75˚F-80˚F for daytime and 60˚F for nighttime) for as long as 4 to 6 weeks.
Compromised Location
During brumation or pre-breeding, dragons must have safe shelters (artificial caves, hollow logs, etc.) to burrow, hide, or rest, feeling secure. It is when their movement and frequent feeding decrease.
Otherwise, they will feel vulnerable to believe their hiding spot has been compromised by a predator and keep one or both eyes open.
Nevertheless, if you suspect it is trying to tell you something else, better take the dragon to a vet for proper consultation.
All in all, keep your calendar marked for the brumation period. Remember that the biological clock of a bearded dragon may follow the seasons based in its native homeland – Central Australia.
Do Bearded Dragons Close Their Eyes During Brumation?
Closed eyes are the most normal behavior when your pet is inactive or dormant. It might scare a new owner, but we assure you, it is completely fine.
Just make sure the creature is healthy and content prior to entering this stage. Some dragons open their eyes and are still in the process of brumation, whereas the majority keep their eyes shut.

You can observe its stable breathing rhythm from time to time as a quick check-up.
Why Is My Bearded Black During Brumation?
As fascinating and alarming as it may sound, the black beard in a dragon can refer to many possible causes.
But it significantly indicates adaptation to post-brumation. It means the lizard is slowly coming out of its brumation period and adjusting to the appetite, temperature, and lighting changes.
Do not worry, as your pet will soon (in a few days or weeks) return to its usual shade.
On the other hand, the same act can also be seen right before brumation since you gently adjust the heating and lighting setup to replicate desert winter months.
So, do bearded dragons brumate with eyes open when in captivity? Perhaps or perhaps not. Partial brumation is totally up to your beardie’s mood and personality traits. You can rest assured of this act.
You can still contact your vet and have a quick check-up. Brumation is an essential stage of a bearded dragon. It is natural, so do not initiate or halt it forcefully, it can pose adverse effects.
Lastly, keep that water bowl fresh and allow the body to soak once a week, no matter how long the lizard brumates!