If you plan to keep or are keeping beaded dragons as pets, you might already know that these reptiles are omnivorous. That means they can eat both veggies and non-veg. However, not everything is safe for them. That can make you wonder, can bearded dragons eat ants?
Bearded dragons are able to eat ants. But only in moderation! Basically, there is contradicting info about whether ants are safe for bearded dragons. Some sources claim that ants are not toxic, while some warn against the acid inside the ants.
Now, what acid do ants have that is toxic to bearded dragons? Also, do all types of ants have that acid? If you really want to uncover all the details, you should stick to the end.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Ants?
Ants are known for having acidic content, which includes formic and folic acids. These acids, in high amounts, can be toxic to bearded dragons. For that reason, many bearded dragon keepers avoid feeding ants to their pets.
But how bad are these? Let’s discuss formic acid, which is the major component that’s inside the poison glands of the ants. All the crawlers that are under the Formcine subfamily have it. And the concentration of this acid can reach up to 54%.
On the other hand, ants produce folic acid as a defense mechanism. It helps them to protect themselves from predators. And like formic acid, folic acid can reach a reasonably high concentration level.
When you provide ants to bearded dragons without moderation, these acids will build up inside their stomachs. And that will eventually lead to some health issues.
Nutritional Value of Ants for Bearded Dragons
Ants are a good source of protein and minerals. And as you might know, you should add a good amount of protein to the diet of bearded dragons, especially during the early stage. That will help them to maintain a steady rate of growth.
In fact, it’s not just the babies that have a high protein demand. The juveniles share the same story too. So, when you are providing ants in a moderate amount, it will help the bearded dragons to maintain growth.
Besides protein, ants contain other vital nutrients. That includes amino acids, minerals, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins. Ants also contain calcium, which bearded dragons require for proper bone development.
Health Risks of Feeding Ants to Bearded Dragons
Even though ants are nutrient-rich, these crawlers associate with some health risks that you should not ignore. The folic and formic acids inside the ants can be toxic. In high amounts, these acids can cause respiratory and skin issues.
But acids are not the only things to worry about. In addition, ants are likely to carry harmful bacteria and parasites, which can eventually make bearded dragons sick.
Finally, some bearded dragons can face digestive issues after eating ants. And you should not take digestive issues lightly, as they can usually lead to much more severe problems among these reptiles.
Types of Ants Suitable for Bearded Dragons
So, not all ants are toxic to bearded dragons. There are some that are generally safe for them. For example:
- Black Soldier Fly Larvae
While black soldier flies larvae are technically not ants, they are an excellent source of protein and calcium. Most importantly, black soldier flies larvae are safe for bearded dragons. So, you can feed these to the bearded dragons without any worries.
- Harvester Ants
You will find plenty of harvester ants in the Northern part of America. And they are very famous feeder insects for reptiles.
One of the key highlights is that they have a high protein count and are easy to digest. Also, harvester ants are generally safe for bearded dragons.
- Carpenter Ants
Bearded dragons can eat carpenter ants. But you should moderate the amount. While carpenter ants are generally safe, they do have the acids mentioned earlier. So, make sure not to add many of these ants to the mix.
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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Black Ants?

Bearded dragons can eat black ants. Black ants are known for having a good amount of protein in them. They are also rich in essential minerals that are good for the health of bearded dragons.
However, you should not feed too many black ants to the bearded dragons. They contain formic acid and folic acid in a reasonable amount. So, if you include too many black ants in bearded dragons’ feed, they can face health complications.
In general, you can occasionally include black ants in the feed. For how much protein and other essential minerals these crawlers contain, even the occasional inclusion of the ants will benefit the bearded dragons.
can bearded dragons eat termites?
Termites are a potential food source for bearded dragons. They are small, soft-bodied insects that are often found in wooded areas. However, before feeding termites to your bearded dragon, it’s important to consider their nutritional value.
Termites are relatively high in protein, making them a suitable addition to a bearded dragon’s diet. They also contain essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which are vital for bone health. It’s essential to ensure that the termites are free from pesticides or other harmful substances.
Final Words
So, can bearded dragons eat ants? In a nutshell, bearded dragons can eat ants, but only in moderation. Even the ants suitable for these reptiles should not be given in plenty. Instead, you should occasionally add them to the feed with other insects.