You might be confused about their temperature preference if you are new to keeping bearded dragons as pets. Well, you are not alone. Most new pet owners struggle a bit at first. Regarding temperature preferences, how long can a bearded dragon go without heat?
Bearded dragons can live for around a day without heat. However, if the temperature drops below 65°F or 18.33°C, they might not reach the 24-hour mark. For that reason, it is crucial to check the tank’s internal temperature.
Now, what can happen if you temporarily keep the bearded dragons without heat, such as during a power outage? Will there be any significant consequences? Keep on reading if you want to get all the details.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Need Heat?
Bearded dragons are cold-blooded animals. And unlike others, cold-blooded animals can not produce heat on their own. That means they need to rely on external heat sources to keep their internal temperature in the correct range.
In the wild, you will find bearded dragons in desert areas. That is exactly where they face no issues in keeping their health in good shape. But in captivity, the artificial enclosure needs to mimic the natural environment.

Otherwise, bearded dragons will not be able to live in comfort. First, they will exhibit different types of signs indicating distress and discomfort. And later on, their health will deteriorate, and you will find it hard to keep them in good form.
Right Temperature Range for Bearded Dragons
For the harmful consequences, the people that keep bearded dragons as pets constantly monitor the temperature of the enclosure. The optimal temperature range is from 100°F or 38°C to 107.6°F or 42°C.
But that does not mean that you should turn the heating source right after the temperature goes below 100°F or 38°C. Typically, a temperature of 65°F or 18.33°C and higher is okay for bearded dragons.
However, you should use external heat sources when the temperature dips below that. Otherwise, the bearded dragon can face fatal health consequences.
How Long Can a Bearded Dragon Go without Heat?
Bearded dragons can go for around 24 hours without any heat. Even so, there can be some serious consequences to the health after 24 hours. You need to understand that these reptiles require heat to keep their organs and other vital parts working.
So, eventually, without getting enough heat, the bearded dragons may be unable to eat or move properly. That can eventually lead to death. Also, the 24-hour mark is only valid when the environmental temperature does not drop below 65°F or 18.33°C.
If the temperature drops lower than that, these reptiles cannot make it to 24 hours. Instead, their health will break down way earlier. In fact, you may see them out showing signs of discomfort and distress right after a few hours.
Bearded dragons depend on the sun to get heat in wild settings. However, you should provide them with external heat sources such as a UVB light in captivity. A red light could be a good option too. But red lights have some side effects.
No matter what, you have to make sure that the bearded dragons have easy access to heat throughout their entire enclosure. And make sure that the heat source is suitable for reptiles, as thermal quality has a thermoregulatory effect on them.
How to Keep Bearded Dragons Warm During a Power Outage?
So, one common question that new bearded dragon keepers have is what to do during a power outage. Well, there are some easy heating techniques that you can follow. They are:
Hand Warmers
During power outages, non-electric warming-up methods are your best friends. Among all, hand warmers work exceptionally great. You can simply put the bearded dragon in a carrier that has hand warmers on the bottom.
Place the hand warmer underneath some paper towers. You can also use clean rags. This additional material will enhance the heating effect. But they are not necessary; you can pace the hard warmer directly on the bottom of the carrier.
Skin to Scale Contact
Do not have hand warmers? You can act like a heating source for your bearded dragon. Hold them with your hand and let them absorb heat from your skin. Make sure to handle them correctly and do not stress them out.
Provide Warmth with Water Bottles
Do you have access to gas or other fire-igniting equipment during a power outage? Well, you can use them to warm up the bearded dragon when there is no electricity.
In this case, you have to heat up some water, bottle it up, wrap the bottle with a towel, and put it inside the enclosure. Remember to wrap the bottle with a towel. Otherwise, the reptile may come too close to the bottle and burn its scale off.
Get a Generator
Small generators are not that expensive. You can get them for around $100. And the power that those generators offer can keep a heating device on for 8 to 9 hours. So, heating sources connected to a generator is definitely a wise move.
READ MORE: Do Bearded Dragons Need Heat At Night?
Are Heat Rocks Bad for Bearded Dragons?
Heat rocks are not safe for bearded dragons or any reptiles. The main thing that makes them unsafe is that there is no way to control the heat. In other words, the heat rocks can become too hot for the bearded dragons.

This extremely heated surface can cause severe burns on the scale of the reptiles. Yes, it is true that the heat rocks will provide the right level of heat to the bearded dragons when the temperature of the tank drops too low.
You can also go make some improvements to the heating rocks by installing a thermostat. Even so, they are still deemed to be unsafe for reptiles. Instead, use other heating devices that are suitable for bearded dragons.
Final Words
Are you still asking yourself how long can a bearded dragon go without heat? To summarize, if the temperature is not below 65°F or 18.33°C, these reptiles can last for around 24 hours.
But if the temperature is below that, things can go south after a few hours. So, when there is a power outage, you should stick with the methods discussed in this article to keep the bearded dragon warm.